I hope everyone is enjoying our beautifully decorated Sanctuary. I want to offer a sincere thank you to all the people who made the beauty happen. It was definitely a team effort, and I couldn’t name everyone who helped if I tried.

I do want to offer a special thank you to Nancy Sams who ordered and delivered the beautiful
poinsettias. She even made a second trip to the nursery because we were two plants short. You went above and beyond, Nancy. And, I don’t want to forget Michael Herman who is keeping them watered throughout the season.

I am pleased to announce that we are restarting our puppet ministry. We are hoping to include a puppet presentation each month this next year. If you would be interested in being a part of our puppet team just give me a call at 760-215-1713.

We are also looking for additions to our Usher team. I would like to have enough ushers so we only serve once each month. Just give me a call if you would be interested in helping. (760-215-1713)

We are blessed with musical talent in our congregation. Thank you to Claudia and Debbie on piano and organ in first service, along with our choir and bell choir. Thank you to Pam and Providence for providing their musical talents in our second service.

Marilyn Rotnem
Elder of Music and Worship