February is a fun month: we have President’s birthdays and Valentines Day, Chinese New Year and it’s also Black History month. What a fun month. It’s also the beginning of Confirmation starting up for Bowie and Liliana. I’m excited to have Bowie and Liliana be confirmed together.

The National Youth Gathering is this year in September in New Orleans. I’m wondering if there is any interest in getting a group to go this year? We would need to fundraise quickly as it is right around the corner. Please let me know if you know a youth who would be interested. It was such a wonderful learning opportunity for my children, Blessing and Brooklyn, and the Herman kids.
Something they will never forget and really watered the seeds of faith in their hearts.

I’m also interested in seeing if anyone would like to do a kid’s corner during second service.

Preferably someone who attends the first service so they can still attend the first service. Jane has been faithfully doing the Kids corner (nursery) for first service.
Thank you so much and I hope you had a great first month of 2024! 

Your servant in the Lord,

Jade Clark 
Elder of Children & Youth